Verto & Associates LLC, is a Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB). We provide Senior Level IT Management (CIO, CTO, VP-IT) and IT Security (CISO) Resources for Contract/Interim Engagements.
How We Can Help
- Provide Supplemental Senior Level Resources to:
- Implement Key Projects / Initiatives
- Provide Technical or Application Expertise not Available Internally
- Provide IT Security (CISO) Resources
- Lead Implementation of New Security Processes and Applications
- Lead Changes to Internal Business Processes
- Establish / mentor permanent CISO and/or other security resources
- Provide IT Team Leadership due to CIO or CTO Absence or Vacancy
Where We Can Help
- India - Verto & Associates LCC in-country Managing Partner
- UK, Europe, Middle East, Canada, Australia, and Latin America (via Strategic Partners)